January 20, 2023
Seriana Edilizia Academy – 2nd Edition, a glimpse on the construction of the future
Increasingly, having specific skills is what today’s job market requires. The data speak very clearly, in fact, the mismatch between job supply and demand has progressively worsened, bringing to light unemployment figures that have almost doubled since 2004.

In the anti-seismic field there is a lot to learn and few “protected” places in which to do it, due to operations that totally differ from traditional construction.
Seriana Edilizia, aware of this imbalance between skills that can be acquired externally and skills needed in the field, is setting up an ad hoc class to train new personnel with a dedicated, free school aimed at immediately adding them into its personnel as new employees/ involved in the structural steelwork assembly at heights.
It is, in fact, the second consecutive year in which Seriana Edilizia makes available, to those who want to get involved, the opportunity to participate in a completely free Academy, and get practical and theoretical training in the industrial anti-seismic sector to be applied immediately on construction sites.
Below are the specifics of this initiative:
Training offer: free 2-week theoretical-practical training course (1-15 March 2023) with issuing of final certificates. Topics covered: assembly of medium-heavy structures at heights for anti-seismic interventions, safety in high-risk workplaces, use of 3rd category PPE and aerial platforms (PLE).
Contract: At the end of the training course, participants will be potentially hired and included in the full-time operational team (after hiring, availability to work day and night shifts will be required, and to carry out daily or weekly trips, for a maximum of 10 days, on all the national territory).
Academy Headquarters: Seriana Edilizia srl, Via Buratti 21, 24124 Bergamo (BG).
• Interest in growing as a professional in structural assembly;
• Ability to do manual work and work at heights;
• Strong sense of responsibility in carrying out tasks and ability to keep the workspace tidy and clean;
• Ability to work in a team;
• Currently unemployed.
Are you also looking for a new, stimulating professional opportunity? Apply to the Academy now at this link.