Seriana Edilizia


as required by articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR)

Here at Seriana S.p.A., we take your privacy and the protection of your personal data very seriously. This privacy statement describes the way we process the personal data you enter in the “Contact us” section
on the relevant page of the Seriana website;

  • Data controller: The Data Controller is Seriana S.p.A. (VAT reg. no. 035935120166), registered office and principal place of business: Via Buratti, 21 – 24124 Bergamo (BG) Italy.
  • Data we process and how data are processed: The data we collect via the contact us section, where you have entered them freely and of your own accord, are as follows:

– identification details (for example: first name and surname);
– contact details (for example: postal address, telephone number, email)
– The data collected are processed in hardcopy form and/or with the aid of computer systems; data are processed using technical and organizational security procedures and measures chosen to ensure that they do not fall into the hands of unauthorized individuals, are not lost and are not edited.

The data collected will not be subjected to automated decision-making procedures as set out in art. 22 of the GDPR. Should the Controller need to resort to such procedures, it shall advise you with a specific statement to the effect as required by law.

Purpose of data processing

The data we collect via the contact us section, where you have entered them freely and of your own accord, will be processed for the following purposes:

– to contact you.
– to answer your questions.
– to provide the user with the information you have requested.
– The personal data collected via the contact us section will also be processed — if you give your specific consent — for the purpose of contacting you with sales and/or marketing material through the sending of newsletters.

Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for processing for the purpose of providing you with the information you have requested is to fulfil pre-contractual obligations or respond to your requests, in accordance with art. 6, section 1, letter b) of the GDPR.

The legal basis for processing for the purpose of contacting you with sales and/or marketing material through the sending of newsletters is consent — in accordance with art. 6, section 1, letter a) of the GDPR — which we will put you in a position to provide freely and in an informed, specific, revocable and documented way.

Data recipients

Your data will be processed by individuals authorized to process them by Seriana S.p.A. (for example: employees and/or people we work with outside the company) where they have been specifically tasked with selecting personnel and trained in the fulfilment of their relevant duties.

Your personal data may be shared with other qualified individuals, if any, that provide Seriana S.p.A. with services that are instrumental in achieving the purposes indicated herein, including: subsidiaries and/or affiliates; providers of IT services; consultants who assist the Controller in various capacities, especially when it comes to legal, tax, social security, accounting and organizational matters; any other individual
that data must be shared with to meet an explicit legal requirement.

Place of processing

The data processed will undergo processing within the European Economic Area, at the principal place of business of Seriana S.p.A.; said data can be transferred to a country outside the Area only where the parties in question perform services on behalf of the Co-controllers (for example, providers of cloud services) and adopt legal, technical and organizational security measures that meet current regulatory requirements in the European Economic Area (EU Regulation 2016/679 “GDPR”) and in Italy (legislative decrees D.Lgs. 196/2003, D.Lgs. 101/2018).

Retention period

We will hold the data you entered in the contact us section for no more than 24 months.
Once this time is up, data will be erased, unless there are additional purposes for which they should be kept, which we will let you know about (if there are any) and for which we will ask for your specific consent, where necessary.


  • Rights of data subjects

You are entitled to request access to your data and to have said data rectified or erased, obtain restriction of processing, and object to their use by us, while you are also entitled to request some of the data to be delivered, by contacting Seriana S.p.A. using the using the details given in the Contact details section herein.

  • Right to access:

As the data subject, you are entitled to obtain confirmation from the Data Controller as to whether or not your personal data are being processed and, if they are, to obtain access to said personal data and to the following information:

a) the purposes of data processing;

b) the categories of the personal data in question;

c) the recipients or categories of recipients with whom personal data have been or will be shared, especially where third-party recipients or international organizations are involved and, in that case, whether appropriate safeguards are in place;

d) where possible, the planned personal data retention period or, where this is not possible, the criteria used to determine said period;

e) the existence of your right to have the Data Controller rectify or erase your personal data, or restrict processing of the personal data being held on you, or object to the processing thereof;

f) right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;

g) where data have not been collected directly from you, all available information on the source of the data;

h) the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, that has legal effects that concern you or that similarly significantly affect you and, in these cases at least, significant information on the logic applied, as well as the significance and envisaged consequences of such processing for you.

  • Right to rectification

As the data subject, you are entitled to have the Data Controller rectify any inaccurate data being held on you without unjustified delay.

  • Right to erasure

As the data subject, you are entitled to have the Data Controller erase any inaccurate data being held on you without unjustified delay, and the Data Controller is required to erase said personal data without unjustified delay, if one of the following reasons applies:

a) the personal data are no longer required for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

b) you have withdrawn the consent on which processing was based and there is no other legal basis for processing;

c) you object to processing, and there is no prevailing legitimate reason for processing to continue;

d) personal data have been processed unlawfully;

e) personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation laid down in EU law or the law of the member state to which the Data Controller is subject;

  • Right to restriction of processing

As the data subject, you are entitled to request that the Data Controller limit the processing of personal data if:

a) you believe the personal data are not accurate, in which case processing should stop until the Data Controller is able to verify the accuracy of said personal data;

b) processing is unlawful and you request restriction rather than deletion of the personal data;

c) even though the Data Controller no longer requires the personal data for the purposes of processing, you require the personal data to be retained for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

d) you have objected to your personal data being processed, in which case processing should stop until the Data Controller is able to check whether its legitimate interests override the objection.

  • Right to object

As the data subject, you are entitled to object, at any time, to the processing of personal data being held on you based on the legitimate interests of the Controller, including profiling. As the data subject, you are entitled to object, at any time, to the processing of personal data being held on you for the purposes of direct marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.

  • Right to data portability

As the data subject, you have the right to have the personal data being held on you provided to a data controller in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format, and have the right to transmit said data to another controller without any hindrance from the Data Controller providing the data where:

a) processing is based on consent or on a contract; and

b) processing is carried out with the aid of automated systems.

In the exercise of your rights concerning data portability, you are entitled to have the personal data transmitted directly from one data controller to another, if technically feasible.

  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

Any complaints may be lodged with the Italian information commissioner’s office, which can be reached through the contact details below, or with your competent supervisory authority:

Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali Piazza Venezia n. 1(Italian information commissioner’s office)
Piazza Venezia N°11
00187 Roma (Italy)
Fax no: (+39) 06.69677.3785
Tel no: (+39) 06.696771
Certified email:

Contact details

You can contact the Controller at the following addresses:

Seriana S.p.A.: email: certified email:

This Privacy Policy may be subject to changes and updates. Should any changes be made, they will not affect your rights in any way. Should any changes be made that may limit the safeguards in place protecting your data or your rights compared to the current version, before processing of your data begins based on the new procedures, you will be advised without delay through your contact details.


Seriana S.p.A. 

This cookie policy is an integral part of the Seriana Privacy Policy and describes the processing of personal data of users visiting the Seriana website (hereinafter, the “Site” for short), which can be reached via the link, collected via so-called cookies.

This statement is provided in compliance with the regulations of the Italian information commissioner’s office (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) issued on 8 May 2014 determining simplified procedures for privacy statements and for obtaining consent for the use of cookies, and setting out guidelines on the use of cookies and other trackers, as well as other applicable provisions concerning the protection of personal data.

Data controller

The Data Controller is Seriana S.p.A. (VAT reg. no. 035935120166), registered office and principal place of business: Via Buratti, 21 – 24124 Bergamo (BG) Italy.

Contact details

You can contact the Controller at the following addresses:
Seriana S.p.A.: email: certified email:

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that sites you visit send directly to your terminal (usually to your browser), where they are stored and subsequently sent back to the sites in question when you next visit them (so-called first-party cookies). As you browse a site, you may also have cookies placed on your terminal by different websites or web servers (so-called third-party cookies). This happens because the website visited can have certain elements — such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages on other domains — that reside on servers other than the one hosting the page requested. In other words, these are cookies that are placed by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.

The duration of cookies can be limited to a single browsing session on the browser (so-called session cookies): in this case, they are disabled automatically once you close the browser; or they can have a set expiry date and, in this case, remain stored and active on your hard disk until such expiry date, continuing to collect information over the course of different browsing sessions on the browser (so-called persistent cookies).

Cookies are used for different functions. Some are required to allow you to move around the Site and use its features (so-called strictly necessary cookies). Others are used to obtain statistical information, in aggregate or non-aggregate form, on the number of visitors to the Site and on how the Site is used (so-called monitoring or analytical cookies). Lastly, others are used to compile a consumer profile on you so that you can be shown ads on the Site that may be of interest to you as they are in line with your tastes and your consumer habits (so-called targeting cookies).

For more detailed information on these different cookie categories, keep reading this policy.

Find out how they work and what they are for, and freely choose whether to consent to their use or block them.

First-party cookies

The Site uses the following types of first-party strictly necessary cookies, and while your prior consent is not required to place these cookies on your device, Seriana S.p.A. is still required to provide you with adequate information:

(a) Navigation or session cookies: essential in order to enable you to move around our Site and use its relevant services correctly; as they are not stored on your computer, they disappear when you close the browser;

(b) “Functionality” cookies: their sole purpose is to improve and speed up your browsing experience on our Site, by storing certain choices you make;

In other words, these are tools used by Seriana S.p.A. whose purposes include ensuring efficient browsing, session stability and getting the right pages for the selected browsing country. They are also used to store the choices you make when viewing certain page elements, such as information and communication banners.

The use of strictly necessary cookies and the processing associated with them do not require your prior consent according to current legislation.

However, you are still entitled to stop strictly necessary cookies from being installed at any time through your browser settings, though you should be aware that this option may complicate, slow down or, sometimes, even prevent your Site browsing.

Third-party cookies

While you are browsing our Site, three is a possibility that certain cookies that are not controlled and managed directly by Seriana S.p.A. may be stored on your device.
This happens, for example, when you visit a page that includes content from a third-party website.

In this regard, please note that Seriana S.p.A. does not play any role in the processing of data deriving from this type of cookie since Seriana S.p.A. acts merely as a technical intermediary.

Third-party targeting cookies are used to display personalized ads on the Site and on other websites, and their operation is based on each user’s browsing activity. This type of cookie may also be used by third parties to show their products and services on the Site.

The Site also uses some types of third-party analytical cookies via which the following information, by way of example only, is collected:

(a) number of visitors, page views and how visitors move around the Site;
(b) effectiveness of marketing campaigns based on the source of web traffic;
(c) details on the products viewed and, where applicable, downloaded from the Site.

These cookies — and the same applies to the purposes for which they are used outside the Site — fall under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the third party installing them on your terminal, and are used to show you ads that are more relevant to you (as is the case with third-party targeting/retargeting cookies). Targeting and analytical cookies are not strictly necessary for the Site to work properly and, consequently, you can decide whether said cookies are installed or not.

If you decide you do not want third-party cookies placed on your terminal, you are entitled at any time, via the links given below, to call up the cookie policies and consent forms of said third parties and block them.
The table below gives all the cookies found on the Site, illustrating their specific characteristics and, in the case of third-party cookies, giving links to the respective privacy policies, so that you can make an informed choice as to whether to consent to their use and what cookies, if any, you want to block or delete.

Cookie name

Type (analytical, navigation, targeting, etc.)


Data recorded
Expiry (how long they stay on your PC or mobile device)


When you visit the Site for the first time, you are prompted to accept or reject the use of the various cookies via the so-called cookie banner, which pops up on screen as soon as you reach the Site.

In all other cases, whenever you subsequently visit the Site (clicking the “Cookie Policy” link at the bottom of the Site’s homepage), you can access this policy and deny consent to install cookies by clicking the relevant links, given below.

Whatever the case, given that most browsers are set up to accept cookies automatically, you can choose to opt out, especially where the third party involved has not correctly provided the opt-out option, by accessing the browser settings and disabling their use, following the procedures accessed via the links below:

Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome:

All information relating to data processing and user rights can be found in the Privacy Policy, of which this document is an integral part.